Wednesday 28 January 2015


Happy Wednesday! Today I introduce to you my friend Osama. It is one of the four dogs that is at home. It was adopted about 2 months ago. It took it two weeks to get used to its new home. It was named Osama by its previous owner and we decided as a family to just keep the name.

Our photo session together was not easy because it was demanding for some cuddling and back rubbing. I of course refused because it never wants to let go and I was also running late for work. The weather was really dull, not good lighting for taking shots.

Always alert and it has made me appreciate dogs. We never had pets as children and this is new to me. I must confess the cuddling is sometimes more beneficial to me than Osama. It helps me relax especially in the evening after a long day at work.

Linking with  because Shanna said so ,  shopping my closet , Lindsey at pleated poppy , happiness at mid life.
Shoes - thrifted
Skinny jeans - thrifted
White linen top - gift from Mom
Belt - thrifted
Earrings- Masai market

Thanks for always reading, I appreciate.


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